Here's the rules:
FIRST: Choose 3 (not many, right??) exercises you will do ~ out of the 12 listed below.
SECOND: Choose what level you will perform each exercise at ~
NOVICE LEVEL ~ no specific number required. The idea is to encourage you to try
an exercise and not be overwhelmed by a set number, just be honest with yourself about it.
Beginner - repeat the exercise TWICE
Intermediate - repeat the exercise THREE TIMES
Advanced - repeat the exercise FOUR TIMES
You can be at different levels for each exercise. The goal is to challenge yourself and ~ most of all ~ get in the habit of moving!!
THIRD: Respond to your team captain that you completed your daily challenge (and have earned another point for your team.)
1. 25 - Triceps Kickbacks
Stand to the right of your weight bench (or a chair), holding a dumbbell in your right hand with your palm facing in. (If you are just beginning no weight is needed, just do the motion)
Keep your elbow close to your waist.
Keeping your upper arm still, straighten your arm behind you until your entire arm is parallel to the floor and one end of the dumbbell points toward the floor.
Slowly bend your arm to lower the weight.
After you complete the set, repeat the exercise with your left arm.
2. 15 - Triceps Dips
Stand with your back to a chair or bench. Be sure that the object is sturdy and can comfortably support your body weight. Bend your legs and place your palms on the front edge of the bench, with your fingers pointing forward. Slowly walk your feet out in front of you, until the majority of your body weight is resting on your arms.
Inhale, and keeping your elbows tucked in at your sides, slowly bend your arms and lower your body until your upper arms are parallel with the floor (see pic below). You should also notice your hips have dropped straight down toward the floor.
Hold for a second, then exhale and straighten your arms back up to the starting position. You've just performed your first triceps bench dip!
3. 25 - Seated Triceps Extension
A triceps extension is usually performed sitting on a chair or weight bench. As the starting position, a weighted barbell (caned good or whatever you want to use) is held over the head, with arms fully extended. Keeping the elbows and upper arms stationary, the weight is lowered as far as the range of motion will comfortably allow, then returned to the starting position in a slow and controlled manner.
4. 25 - Big Arm Circles (forward and backward)
That one is pretty self explanatory!! LOL
5. 25 - Small Arm Circles (forward and backward)
See picture and explanation above....and make your circles smaller. :)
6. 25 - Biceps curls
Simple enough ~ down and up, down and up. Remember to do this slowly. If you are new to arm exercises start off with no weights but don't wait too long to add weight ~ your arms will thank you for it. (Weights can be...weights, water bottles, canned goods, kittens, small choose!)
7. 20 Pushups ( you pick which version)
Again ~ no explanation needed. I'm sure most of us were tortured by these in gym class!!
8. 25 - Reverse Fly
I'm not sure why this is called a "reverse" fly. Just think of standing on the edge of a building and attempting to flap your wings to fly to the building across the street! OK.....NOT REALLY!! You don't want to move your arms that fast - just nice, slow and controlled.
(And did you notice the poor lady in the picture has no eyes or mouth??) LOL
9. 25 - Standing Shoulder Fly
This is another one that reminds me of my school days! Who remembers the girls giggling as they said, "We must, we must, we must increase our _____?" (I'll let you fill in the blank) :)
Simple enough, right? Open, close, open, close. Again, nice, slow and controlled.
10. 20 - Biceps Curl & Press
These are very similar to the Biceps Curls shown above ~ just with a twist and a punch, LITERALLY. Do a normal curl - down and up, then twist your arms as you push them out in front of you. EASY STUFF!!! (Weights can still be...weights, water bottles, canned goods, kittens, small choose!)
11. 10 Minute Arm Workout Video
Follow this link:
12. Shoulder Shrugs
Step 1
Starting Position: Stand holding dumbbells in your hands with your thumbs around the handles and your palms facing your body. The dumbbells should be alongside your thighs with your elbows straight. Stand in split-stance position to stabilize your body. Brace your abdominal and core muscles. Pull your shoulder blades down and back. Your head should be aligned with your spine. Maintain these engagements throughout the exercise.
Step 2
Upward Phase: Exhale and slowly shrug your shoulders upward. Do not allow any shoulder rotation. Keep the elbows straight. Do not allow the back to arch or the wrists to bend.
Step 3
Downward Phase: Inhale. In a slow and controlled manner, lower shoulders back to your starting position. Keep the torso erect, elbows straight, and wrists in neutral, maintaining the split stance position.
13. Home Upper Body Workout Without Weights (Video Workout)
Upper Body Workout
Length: Less than 15 minutes
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Focus: Arms
Equipment: NoneThe basis is you're working your upper body using your own muscle contractions to burn calories. You don't need exercise equipment, but you can add hand weights if desired.
The rhomboid push - this definitely works your tiny back muscles up top!! The slower you go, the more it burns. The prone tricep you might want to pass on if you've got lower back issues.
14. Get Madonna's Arms With This 10-Minute Workout
Length: Less than 15 minutes
Focus: ArmsEquipment: Dumbbells
***Works mainly the biceps and triceps
***Suggest that you switch between a 3 and 5lb weight
***Good instructor
***Counter on the side that shows how much time is left
***Beginner or advanced depending on the weight amount used
15. 5 Minute Arm Workout for Women
Length: Less than 15 minutes
Focus: ArmsEquipment: Dumbbells
***Only 5 minutes!!!
***Can feel it in the back of your arms
***Contains 2 floor exercises that could be modified for standing
16. SHORT VIDEO - Set to Snoop Dogg "Gonna Make You Sweat (4 minutes)
*** Good for beginners & up
***Coordination helps
***Have fun with this!!
***Not exactly knee friendly
17. SHORT VIDEO - Maroon 5 "Moves Like Jagger" (3 minutes)***Easy to pick up the moves
***Tons of FUN
***Beginner to intermediate level
18. SHORT VIDEO - Zumba Warm-Up "Mercy" (3 minutes)
***Energizing - works the whole body
***Beginner to intermediate level - Advanced if you intensify the movements
19. SHORT VIDEO - Zumba "Mama Said Knock You Out" (5 minutes)
***Gets your heart rate up!
***A little coordination helps
***Good for beginners, but can be modified
20. SHORT VIDEO - "Pump Up the Jam" - Warm Up with Kit (5:35 minutes)
***High intensity workout
***Moves are easy to follow
***This was chosen especially for Gayle!!
***great arm workout that also gets your heart pumping
We have some time before we are on the downward slope of the week, so let's get those arms moving!!! Let us know how you are doing!
21. Swimming Exercise
Targets shoulders
- Stand with feet about shoulder-width apart, a dumbbell in each hand, arms out to sides with palms facing up and elbows slightly bent.
- Rotate left arm and shoulder forward so palm faces behind you, then reverse motion back to start.
- Do 16 reps. Switch sides and repeat. Do 2 sets.
- MAKE IT HARDER: Add a set. Rotate both arms at the same time until palms face behind you, reverse motion back to start and repeat. Do 15 reps.
22. Lift-off Exercise
Targets triceps
- Stand with feet hip-width apart, a dumbbell in each hand. Bend knees slightly, hinge forward from hips and bring hands behind ears, palms facing forward and elbows pointing out to sides (as if doing sit-ups).
- Straighten legs and rise on toes as you extend arms directly overhead, palms facing forward.
- Return to hinged position and repeat.
- Do 2 sets of 16 reps.
Targets shoulders and biceps
- Stand in plié position with heels touching, toes turned out and knees slightly bent; with a dumbbell in each hand, extend arms overhead to form a V, palms facing out to sides.
- Rotate left wrist inward, bending left elbow, and tap fingers to top of left shoulder. Reverse motion back to start.
- Do 16 reps. Switch sides and repeat. Do 2 sets.
- MAKE IT HARDER: Add a set. Rise up on toes and rotate arms in V position so palms face each other; rotate arms so that palms face outward again. Repeat. Do 8 to 16 reps.
23. Temperature Exercise
Targets shoulders, triceps, and biceps
- Holding a dumbbell in each hand, stand in plié position with heels touching, toes turned out and knees slightly bent; extend arms out to sides, palms facing forward.
- Bend left elbow to tap the back of left hand to forehead. Reverse motion back to start.
- Do 16 reps. Switch sides and repeat. Do 2 sets.
24. Biceps X Exercise
Targets shoulders and biceps
- Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, a dumbbell in each hand with arms out to sides; bend elbows so arms form a W, palms up.
- Sweep bent arms to cross each other (right arm over left arm) in an X in front of collarbone, palms facing behind you.
- Open arms to W position, repeat.
- Do 2 sets of 16 reps.
- MAKE IT HARDER: Add a set. After the last rep, keep arms crossed and pulse them up and down 1 inch. Do 16 reps.
25. Bent Over Boxing Exercise
Targets shoulders, back, and triceps
- Stand with feet close, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Bend knees and hinge forward from hips, keeping back straight.
- Raise right arm forward, palm facing down, and extend left arm behind you with palm facing up (arms should form a straight line with upper body). Pulse arms up and down 1 inch 3 times.
- Extend arms out to sides, palms facing down. Then switch sides, left arm forward (palm down) and right arm behind you (palm up), and repeat pulses to complete 1 rep.
- Do 2 sets of 16 reps.
26. Dumbbell Lying Lateral Raise
As with all of them - the more weight, the bigger the
challenge. 1, 2, or 3 sets of 12-15 reps depending on level.
27. 5 Minute Arm Workout - Shape and Shrink
deceptively simple...had to stop multiple times to deal with the burn in my
shoulders and upper back. But I like videos and I believe that I would feel
challenged to do this every week until I could match her.
I would say doing it through once would be a beginner, twice intermediate, three times you're at monster level! :)
I would say doing it through once would be a beginner, twice intermediate, three times you're at monster level! :)
28. Skull crushers - Triceps
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